Christopher Sacchi
Game Developer
Since 2011, Christopher Sacchi has been into the gaming industry, working mainly on adventure games and interactive narrative experience, attending tons of game jams, and making personal projects and freelance work.
In 2015, he released “A Night That Wouldn’t End”, a short adventure game, then mentioned by Adventure Gamers for its realistic world, where the protagonist shares his emotions.
During the same year, Christopher developed “A Landlord’s Dream”, another short adventure game in cyberpunk style, considered among the best free games in 2017 by PC Gamer, that acknowledged its narrative.
In 2019, he developed “zFRAG”, a zen game where the player deconstructs manually a virtual hard disk, selected for a showcase at Whaaat!? Festival in Boulder, Colorado.
Christopher seldom runs “Unpoint/Unclick“, a column about adventure game design and their puzzle. In 2018, he attended Codemotion Rome and in 2019 was a lecturer at the University of Salerno.